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Child Dedications

Since ceremonies involving infants and children differ widely from church to church, let us explain baby dedication at Trinity.

It is not a Christening service or a baptism, neither is it the child’s confirmation or the public recognition of godparents. It is, as the name suggests, a dedication. The parents, in the context of the church family, dedicate their child to the Lord and themselves as parents to the raising of the child to the glory of God. In turn, the church family commits themselves to share in the task of nurturing the child “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

More about child dedications

To schedule a baby dedication fill out the Baby Dedication Request form below (be sure to click Submit at the bottom of the form). If you have any questions please contact Sarah Jacobs, 909-335-7333, x1250.

Child Dedication Request Form

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If you wish to have a photo projected during the dedication, please be sure we receive a photograph (to scan) or a digital picture (.jpg) NO later than the Wednesday prior to the dedication date.