Plan Your Visit.

Women's Summer ReFRESH

Wednesday, 6/21/23 at 9:00am

About the Event

Women's Ministry

9:00 am-Noon or 6:00-9:00 pm. Both times are same program.

Bring a bible and journal for a time of reflection and solitude with the Lord. Set aside anxieties and distractions, and listen in quietness to Jesus. He said, "Come unto me all you who are weary and burdened...and I will give you rest." Be refreshed and renewed in Him!

RSVP requested below.  Please eat before arriving. Light refreshments will be available.

Note: Due to the steep driveway, if able please park on the street or in the cul de sac and walk up. There is limited parking at the top of the driveway available for those who find it difficult to walk up the driveway.

Women's Refresh RSVP